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Fall of Adam and Eve

John Milton's chef d'oeuvre, Paradise Lost , the greatest epic (arguably!) written so for in the world, has significance of a universal level in more ways than one. First, because it concerns the entire scheme of Creation from its very dawn to the Day of Judgement, and even after. The human element can never be overlooked in this connection, since it is man, primarily, who has had to face the stigma in the form of Fall from Grace (though redeemed afterwards), and who has to encounter rigours of life on this planet earth. Second because the never-failing concept of Sin, Repentance and Redemption is there to stay till the very last. Third, because the stratagem God has in perspective does have to come into effect, come what may be. Moreover because the ground realities never change in this world of change and decay, and because man has to compromise with these facts, even at the cost of his liberty __ and innocence. As we proceed with the action narrated at length thr

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